Living with and beyond cancer isn’t easy.

Your treatment has finished, appointments have come to an end, yet you don’t feel like you used to.

Friends and family may expect you to ‘get back to normal’ but everything has changed.

Where can you go to for support, and why do you feel so isolated?
Patients often describe this stage as like ‘falling off a cliff’.

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance provided funding to allow Yorkshire Cancer Community and healthcare professionals from across the region to create videos to help share expertise and experiences.

The videos were launched at a screening at Cineworld White Rose Leeds where patients and healthcare professionals were given the red carpet treatment and able to see their stories come to life on the big screen.

What advice would you give to someone finishing cancer treatment?

We created a leaflet with the Top Tips you sent in

YCC chair Dr Stewart Manning and Cancer Champion Ric Myers at the premiere of the video screenings at Cineworld White Rose, Leeds

Some of the patients who appeared In the videos seen with Jill (YCC) and Lucy who coordinated the project

Patient Sandra Hudson who appeared in the Patient Power video brought along Adventures in the Sun which she wrote to encourage children to cover up in the sun with all proceeds going to Jacqui’s Million ( The Bexley Wing)