Cervical screening (also known as smear tests) are the best protection against cervical cancer but they can cause some anxiety and Covid-19 has added to the challenge of attending.
Julie Green (48) who lives near Pontefract, has every reason to feel grateful she attended her smear test appointment, which was part of the procedure when she was prescribed the contraceptive pill, 30 years ago.
At the time, she was told she would receive a letter following the test, but when she didn’t receive any news, she assumed all was well, and never thought any more about it.
It was only due to bad leg pains she visited her doctor around six months later, and Julie remembers her GP being concerned she had come alone.
“I was confused. Was I supposed to bring someone with me about my leg pain?”
The doctor thought she had come in response to her smear test results, and the letter they had sent Julie, asking her to call in. She gently broke the news that the test had revealed cervical cell changes and would require surgery.
Julie was admitted to Pontefract General Hospital for surgery which involved removing a small part of her womb.
“The whole thing was traumatic. It affected me and my family and at that time I knew nothing about screening or why it was important,” said Julie.
Fortunately Julie didn’t need further treatment, other than annual smear tests, which she has maintained even through the pandemic.
She’s passionate about the importance of cervical screening, and has made sure her 10-year-old daughter is already aware.
“When I think back I knew so little and it was really frightening. There was no guidance, no literature, and no one talked about going for a smear test. OK, so it’s a bit embarrassing but it saves lives.”
Julie is concerned that people who are due cervical screening, will miss their smear tests because they are worried about attending their GPs during the pandemic.
“It’s so important that cervical screening is not missed. It saved my life.”
For further information about cervical screening, including procedures in place during Covid-19 go to www.jostrust.org.uk