Breast Cancer Haven Yorkshire
In the middle of the noise and bustle of Leeds City Centre is a small oasis of peace and tranquility. Located off a busy roundabout bordered by hotels and offices, suddenly you find yourself in a place of calm.
Breast Cancer Haven Yorkshire is a wonderful resource for anyone affected by breast cancer. It’s a one-stop shop offering a team of experienced healthcare professionals, counsellors and therapists who will support you and your loved ones every step of the way.
Breast Cancer Haven is the charity that supports women through their breast cancer treatment. When breast cancer tries to rob a woman of her individuality, her confidence or her strength, they provide a tailored package of emotional, physical and practical support that helps her hold on to them. Support is provided from centres across the country, and over the telephone.
What they offer
Your support programme includes 12 free hours of one-to-one appointment times. They offer assessments, counselling, and therapies to help with symptoms and side effects as well as help with healthy eating, exercise and stress reduction.
Breast Cancer Haven liaise with your medical team and tell them what they are providing to make sure that together clients are helped in the best possible way.
Debra Horsman
I met with Debra Horsman, the Centre’s clinical head, who has been at Breast Cancer Haven Yorkshire since it was established 9 years ago. Debra is well known in West Yorkshire, having spent 20 years nursing in Otley and a further 16 years as a breast cancer specialist in Bradford.
She provides the first consultation with new visitors designing a programme of support which caters for each individual.
She showed me around the Centre which has a peaceful and contemporary look. The Centre includes a welcoming reception area full of comfortable chairs and books, cosy spaces ideal for chats, well equipped therapy rooms, a light and airy kitchen where visitors can share meals, and larger rooms where they can host exercise classes.
There is so much on offer including emotional support, healthy eating advice, therapies and stress reduction classes.
Who can attend?
Anyone affected by breast cancer is welcome. It doesn’t matter where you live, and you don’t need a referral from your doctor. If people close to you need emotional support, they can talk to the counsellor too, free of charge.
And clients can visit whenever they need. This could be before, during or after medical treatment for breast cancer.
Sara’s story
Sara Williamson, a cancer patient from Horbury, who has already featured on our Meet the Members pages of the Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum, is a powerful advocate for Breast Cancer Haven and now volunteers as an ambassador raising awareness and funds.
She said:
“I walked through their doors two days after having a mastectomy.
No referrals are needed and patients can visit at any point in their cancer journey.
It speaks volumes when you see a consultant or nurse and they recommend Breast Cancer Haven.
It’s one of those best kept secrets, where you have a break from medical settings and can just be yourself.”
Breast Cancer Haven Yorkshire team
There is a small staff team supported by many enthusiastic volunteers. Lizzie Sanders, Community & Events Fundraising Officer, explained that all funds raised locally stay in Yorkshire.
One of the challenges is to raise awareness of the Centre and what it has to offer.
Breast Cancer Haven hosts popular welcome days and introduction days for cancer support groups, Women’s Institutes, employers, individuals, in fact anyone who would like to look around. These visits, along with word of mouth, and recommendations from breast care nurses, account for most of their visitors. There is little money to spend on advertising.
Lizzie is gearing up to Breast Cancer Awareness month when Breast Cancer Haven plan an event per day throughout the month of October.
Activities include a Burlesque Ball, a pink flashdance and a skydive.
Want to help or find out more?
If you would like to help Breast Cancer Haven, or to arrange a visit, contact their Yorkshire Centre on 0113 284 7828.
Find more details at