Every week, 225 people in West Yorkshire are diagnosed with cancer and 108 people will lose their lives each week.

Screening uptake for breast and cervical cancers is decreasing and only bowel screening is showing an increase.

Nearly one in two of us will get cancer at some time in our lives. We also know that around four in ten cancer cases in the UK each year could be prevented. * Cancer Research UK.

It’s a powerful argument for helping to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer – so people are better informed, attend screening and know where to go for help.

Our aim is to give people the information to catch cancer at an earlier stage, greatly improving the chances of survival.

A network of committed and enthusiastic volunteers who will:

Raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer
Promote the benefits of early diagnosis and the uptake of breast, cervical and bowel screening
Share key messages around healthy lifestyles and cancer prevention
Support national and regional cancer related campaigns, awareness days and messaging

Will you join us as we aim to make sure that people in West Yorkshire and Harrogate will:

• Be more aware of symptoms of cancer / unusual body changes
• Feel more confident to visit their GP and discuss concerns
• Feel more encouraged to attend screening
• Be better informed about lifestyle choices to reduce their risk
• Will know where to get information and support