The Ella Dawson Foundation provides a safe supportive and uplifting space where young adults with cancer, and their families, can access tailored physical, psychological, emotional, nutritional, wellbeing support within a welcoming and like – minded community.
Perhaps your cancer diagnosis has been the catalyst to reach out and search for wellbeing, lifestyle and peer to peer support? Many people find that this is a positive way of feeling better, regaining some normality and control of health, managing treatment-related adverse effects of cancer treatment and living as well and positively as possible.
When Ella was diagnosed she found that wellbeing support tailored towards the unique needs of young adults with cancer in the UK was limited. She then set out to shape a blueprint of how young adults with cancer could be better supported holistically.
The Ella Dawson Foundation is working alongside a team of experts to enable young adults, aged 18-30 yrs old, to access tailored wellbeing support packages unique to their needs at any stage of their cancer diagnosis.

