Relaunch of Community Patient Panel
On 26 September 2024 we relaunched the Community Patient Panel.
Our local cancer services benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience of patients, caregivers, and members of the public.
You can get involved with the panel in a variety of ways with us.
We are working with West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance (WYHCA) to make improvements, develop new ideas and ensure the patient VIEW is at the heart of everything we do.
The community panel is just one of the ways in which WYHCA is working with those affected by cancer across the area – patients and their families and carers – to ensure their experiences and views influence the Alliance work and the decisions they take. Panel members are involved through face to face sessions; online discussions, sharing views and ideas by email; one to one telephone calls and flexibly in other ways that work best for them. Tackling health inequality across West Yorkshire and Harrogate (the avoidable differences that exist in people’s health and treatment outcomes between different groups and communities) is a high priority for the Cancer Alliance and for the Yorkshire Cancer Community. To support us in this work, we want to ensure the membership of the panel is as diverse as possible, in terms of where people live; the type(s) of cancer they are experiencing or have experienced, the communities they come from and their personal backgrounds and circumstances. If you would like to join the panel, or learn more, email

Yorkshire Cancer Community Online Support Group
We hold a friendly, informal support group at 11am-12pm on the second Wednesday of every month via zoom.
Our support group is for anyone affected by cancer, either as a patient, carer, family or friend, or those working in cancer services.
If you’d like to join the group, just email us at and we’ll send you a link.
We’d love to see you.

For most recent updates and news, connect with us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter
Cancer Support UK partners with Yorkshire Cancer Community
Cancer Support UK partners with Yorkshire Cancer Community charity to benefit people affected by a cancer diagnosis National cancer charity Cancer Support UK has announced it will be working closely with the Yorkshire Cancer Community in a new collaborative...
Living With and Beyond Cancer
Living with and beyond cancer isn't easy. Your treatment has finished, appointments have come to an end, yet you don't feel like you used to. Friends and family may expect you to 'get back to normal' but everything has changed. Where can you go to for support, and why...
World Cancer Day
On WORLD CANCER DAY Yorkshire Cancer Community Chair, Dr Stewart Manning says: During my 40 years as a Medical Practitioner, most of it spent working as a General Practitioner in South Leeds, I was only involved with cancer patients in my practice. However, since I...
Persistent difficulty swallowing – get it checked out
February is Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month – but what is Oesophageal cancer? Here one of our Cancer SMART cancer champions Bob Clayden explains how he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. The first sign that there was something wrong with his health was when Bob...
A smear test saved my life – Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
Cervical screening (also known as smear tests) are the best protection against cervical cancer but they can cause some anxiety and Covid-19 has added to the challenge of attending. Julie Green (48) who lives near Pontefract, has every reason to feel grateful she...
You can now support Yorkshire Cancer Community on #easyfundraising!
When you sign up as a supporter, 4,400 shops and sites will donate for free, every time you shop online. This includes all the big names like eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat and many more!?
Maria’s story
When Maria Elliott was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, she found the friendships she made at the time were a lifesaver. “I met like-minded people at Breast Cancer Haven in Leeds. We really bonded and it was like a virtual hug, helping you through,” she...
Cancer Journeys
Cancer Journeys is a show to help raise awareness, provide hope to other cancer patients and to give the opportunity to patients to tell their own inspirational stories. Presented by Jacqui Drake, founder of Jacqui’s Million and also a Yorkshire Cancer Community...
We need your help
Can You Help? Opportunity to participate in a research study PDI Consulting based in South Yorkshire is running a study for a client on pain management. The study aims to understand more about pain management and is looking for participants to carry out three hours of...
Cancer Champion
Most of us will know someone who has been affected by cancer in some way. It might be a colleague, neighbour or a loved one. Do you sometimes wonder, what you could do to raise awareness of this disease, so people know what to look out for and where to go for help? We...
Julie’s story – Breast cancer
Bradford mother of one, Julie Norman will be forever grateful to the NHS. During Covid-19 she was rapidly fast tracked by GP referral to diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer. She’s telling her story because she’s aware that people stopped going to their doctors...
Afraid to leave your home?
Macmillan Cancer Support is warning of the devastating impact coronavirus is having on the physical and mental health of people with cancer as they face the two ‘deadly Cs’ all at once. Research by the charity reveals the scale of fear and anxiety, hundreds of...
Keep Calm and Carry On – The Community Panel for West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance
The West Yorkshire and Harrogate (WYH) Cancer Alliance community patient panel, last met in person in March 2020 at John Lewis’s Community Hub in Leeds. It was very much business as usual, the meeting was well attended by patient members, who on the day engaged in an...
Mammograms – mysteries and myths
I’m a monitored Cancer patient. Part of my monitoring is an Annual Mammogram. I was due to have it during the last week of March; but that was just as “Lockdown” was set in place. Quite a challenging time for all of us; my thoughts kept coming back to my cancelled...
Cancer helplines during Covid-19
Where Can You Get Help When You Cannot Go Out
Coronavirus – Guidance to people living with cancer.
Partnership Working
West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance and the Yorkshire Cancer Community have announced plans to join forces on a project that will raise awareness of cancer signs and symptoms; encourage more people to take up their invitations to screening, and encourage...
temporary changes to oncology services at Scarborough Hospital, Bridlington Hospital, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
The purpose of this document is to outline the approach to communicating proposed changes to the delivery of oncology services affecting patients on the East Coast served by Scarborough and Bridlington hospitals, part of York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and...
End Of Treatment Bell Survey
We were asked by St James University Hospital's Radiotherapy Department in Leeds to help them survey patients about the use of a bell to mark the end of any radiotherapy treatment. The bell ringing tradition started in the US, but has become very popular in recent...