Relaunch of Community Patient Panel
On 26 September 2024 we relaunched the Community Patient Panel.
Our local cancer services benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience of patients, caregivers, and members of the public.
You can get involved with the panel in a variety of ways with us.
We are working with West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance (WYHCA) to make improvements, develop new ideas and ensure the patient VIEW is at the heart of everything we do.
The community panel is just one of the ways in which WYHCA is working with those affected by cancer across the area – patients and their families and carers – to ensure their experiences and views influence the Alliance work and the decisions they take. Panel members are involved through face to face sessions; online discussions, sharing views and ideas by email; one to one telephone calls and flexibly in other ways that work best for them. Tackling health inequality across West Yorkshire and Harrogate (the avoidable differences that exist in people’s health and treatment outcomes between different groups and communities) is a high priority for the Cancer Alliance and for the Yorkshire Cancer Community. To support us in this work, we want to ensure the membership of the panel is as diverse as possible, in terms of where people live; the type(s) of cancer they are experiencing or have experienced, the communities they come from and their personal backgrounds and circumstances. If you would like to join the panel, or learn more, email

Yorkshire Cancer Community Online Support Group
We hold a friendly, informal support group at 11am-12pm on the second Wednesday of every month via zoom.
Our support group is for anyone affected by cancer, either as a patient, carer, family or friend, or those working in cancer services.
If you’d like to join the group, just email us at and we’ll send you a link.
We’d love to see you.

For most recent updates and news, connect with us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter
Simple steps in social media
Love it or hate it – social media is here to stay. Understanding how best to utilise social media to work for you, is one of the first steps to learn. For many cancer support group users or organisers, being able to advertise meetings and events via Facebook or...
Two new lay members needed for the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance
On behalf of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance: "Our job at the Cancer Alliance is to ensure improvements in care and support for those affected by cancer across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. Could you help us by making sure the patient...
Healthwatch Administrator Position Available
Healthwatch Administrator 37.5 hours per week · £19,212 · 28 days holiday + Bank Holidays We are delighted to advertise this post of Healthwatch Administrator based in Central Wakefield. The role of the Healthwatch Administrator is to coordinate office...
Yorkshire Cancer Patient Survey 2018
Annual Report
New Yorkshire Cancer Research-funded study seeks women with breast cancer to contribute to focus groups regarding the development of a psychological treatment to improve adherence to medication and well-being
For many reasons, particularly medication side-effects, women with breast cancer struggle to adhere to (i.e. stick to or keep taking) medications that reduce the risk of their cancer returning. Thus, a new Yorkshire Cancer Research-funded programme seeks...
The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance Community Panel is now up and running.
The Co-ordinator Fraser Corry will be working closely with the Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum and is based at Healthwatch Wakefield alongside Jill, the Forum Engagement & Communications Officer.
Join Our Cancer Alliance Community Panel
"Volunteer to join our panel and help improve cancer patient care services across West Yorkshire and Harrogate" The Cancer Alliance Community Panel brings together a pool of volunteers to form a panel of cancer patients, carers and other people who have an interest in...
Grants for new cancer support groups
Grants for new Cancer Support Groups The Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum has a small funding pot to help new cancer support groups to get off the ground. Who can apply? Your group must be new – within the first six months to one year of being set up Your group must be...
Newsletter Summer 2018
Hello and welcome to the summer edition of the Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum newsletter. If you are new to the Forum – perhaps you have picked this newsletter up in a Hospital waiting room or Macmillan Information Point – let us explain our aims. Download...
Experience of Care Week
It’s Experience of Care Week It’s Experience of Care Week 23 – 27 April Find out here what Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum members and friends say about why they share their experience of care with others....
Diet and Nutrition for Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer UK organised a Living with Pancreatic Cancer support day at the Thackray Medical Museum recently. Diet and nutritional advice for pancreatic cancer patients has now been added to our website on the Pancreatic Cancer page. Many thanks to Kelly Wilson,...
Patient & Public Involvement in Palliative Care Research – FREE EVENT
Patient & Public Involvement in Palliative Care Research - FREE EVENT Join us at our FREE showcase event, celebrating the role of patient and public involvement (PPI) in palliative care research. We will hear from speakers representing researchers and service...
Have your say on the future of research to help people living with and beyond cancer
Have your say on the future of research to help people living with and beyond cancer Are you a cancer patient first diagnosed as an adult? Do you look after, or have you looked after someone who was first diagnosed with cancer as an adult? Are you a health or social...
Bladder Cancer Patient Survey
Swansea University is conducting research into people’s views and experiences of undergoing different types of bladder reconstruction - Identifier: NCT03325231. This research is funded by Tenovus Cancer Care to find out what types of bladder...
Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum News February 2018
Welcome to this edition of the Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum News. Newsletters are produced quarterly. If you have any ideas for articles or you have a feature you would like to submit, please contact Remember too, that you can...
Find out about a cancer research Patient and Public Involvement group at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.
This group supports researchers in providing a patient/public voice and perspective to the design and development of research in Leeds. They would love to have more people with experience of cancer or supporting someone with cancer to help them in their work. Click...
Young Carers
There are over 700,000 young carers in the UK, including those who are helping to look after a loved one with cancer. Being a young carer can affect their education, relationships and future prospects. Macmillan's Guide for young people: "Looking after someone with...
“Saving 2000 lives a year in Yorkshire by 2025”
Yorkshire Cancer Research are pleased to announce the launch of the 2018 Funding Round - "Saving 2000 lives a year in Yorkshire by 2025" Yorkshire Cancer Research is committed to investing £100m in ground breaking research and services, with the ambitious goal of...
Yorkshire Cancer Research announces £3.6m investment in new research projects
Yorkshire Cancer Research will invest £3.6m in eight new research projects to help improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer in Yorkshire. The projects cover a wide range of issues including reducing the risk of cancer and the recurrence of cancer,...