Relaunch of Community Patient Panel

On 26 September 2024 we relaunched the Community Patient Panel.

Our local cancer services benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience of patients, caregivers, and members of the public.

You can get involved with the panel in a variety of ways with us.

We are working with West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance (WYHCA) to make improvements, develop new ideas and ensure the patient VIEW is at the heart of everything we do.

The community panel is just one of the ways in which WYHCA is working with those affected by cancer across the area – patients and their families and carers – to ensure their experiences and views influence the Alliance work and the decisions they take. Panel members are involved through face to face sessions; online discussions, sharing views and ideas by email; one to one telephone calls and flexibly in other ways that work best for them. Tackling health inequality across West Yorkshire and Harrogate (the avoidable differences that exist in people’s health and treatment outcomes between different groups and communities) is a high priority for the Cancer Alliance and for the Yorkshire Cancer Community. To support us in this work, we want to ensure the membership of the panel is as diverse as possible, in terms of where people live; the type(s) of cancer they are experiencing or have experienced, the communities they come from and their personal backgrounds and circumstances. If you would like to join the panel, or learn more, email


Yorkshire Cancer Community Online Support Group

We hold a friendly, informal support group at 11am-12pm on the second Wednesday of every month via zoom.

Our support group is for anyone affected by cancer, either as a patient, carer, family or friend, or those working in cancer services.

If you’d like to join the group, just email us at and we’ll send you a link.

We’d love to see you.


For most recent updates and news, connect with us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter


Tools to help you with brain tumour fatigue

YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE FATIGUE BOOK HERE, or to order a hard copy email And once you’ve read it you’ll no doubt be wanting to download some of the proformas that you need to help understand your sleep a little better. These can be...

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The Hub Cancer Support Drop In – 2018 Programme

Our meetings take place on the first Monday of every month, (unless it falls on a bank Holiday! In which case we adjust accordingly so as not to miss out! Change of dates are indicated by a * The Hub is held 11 am – 1pm at Crossgates Methodist Church (rear entrance),...

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YCPF Newsletter November 2017

Welcome to the second edition of the Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum News.  We hope to produce newsletters on a quarterly basis, we hope you enjoy our second edition. This month features infomration about the Christmas Forum Get Together, Movember, Coast to Vale Cancer...

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YCPF Newsletter August 2017

Welcome to the first edition of the Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum News. You told us in the Forum Membership Survey that you would like a Forum Newsletter. We hope to produce newsletters on a quarterly basis. In this Edition, We look at Taking Strides to Raise...

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Penny Brohn Support Events

All of Penny Brohn's services are informed by evidence, including our own programme of rigorous evaluation. Penny Brohn's most recent service evaluation shows that many people who have attended a Living Well course report a reduction in their cancer-related concerns,...

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