Digital Champions

We are looking for Digital Champions – people willing to share important health messages with your friends and followers on social media to help us to fight cancer across West Yorkshrie and Harrogate.

We will be posting good news messages on our Cancer SMART Digital Champions Facebook page and on Instagram.

We would like you to sign up as a Digital Champion and share these messages with your networks so we can reach out to more people to help prevent cancer and diagnose more cancers earlier.

We want to include your voice in the fight against cancer.

Join our
Cancer SMART
Digital Champions
Facebook page

Role Description

What: we will share posts with you and ask you to share them with family and friends on social media

When: whenever you have a spare moment in your week to share our posts

Where: wherever you work best – at home, out and about – on your phone, tablet or computer

Who: we are looking for:

• Someone who wants to learn about and share cancer information
• Someone who uses social media regularly
• Someone who is 18 and over

What you will gain: an opportunity to use your skills for a worthwhile cause, an opportunity to access further training on cancer awareness.

What difference will you make: an opportunity to make a real and significant difference to a small patient-led cancer charity and partners delivering the Cancer SMART message.

By helping to spread positive health messages to your friends and followers you will raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of cancer, and potentially help to save lives.

Cancer SMART is an exciting programme to help tackle cancer with the potential to save lives through more effective prevention advice and improved early diagnosis. Find out why Sue signed up to be a Digital Champion – volunteers who regularly use social media to share important health messages.

Sue Flynn of Leeds is a glass half full kind of person. Although the pandemic has prevented her from regular trips to her favourite Turkish resort, she has appreciated glorious summer days in the garden or local countryside. Speaking to her on the day of the second...